The Seadraulics 420bar water jetter is the perfect system for a variety of light cleaning jobs. This reliable and powerful unit is capable of producing 420 bar at the nozzle, and 20 LPM of force. The standard turbo nozzle ensures that an evenly distributed jetting spread is applied when cleaning, making the work easier for the ROV. The custom drive manifold allows for the user to limit pressures and flows, depending on the customer’s hydraulic supply. Supplied with hydraulic hoses and a Multi-D handle with turbo nozzle, the 420bar water jetter is the perfect choice for smaller ROV auxiliary pumps. It is powerful enough to remove the debris away from the target cleaning area without damaning the subsea paint, unless it has already started to flake off and degrade. Hard marine growth may be a challenge. Easy to interface, this system is sure to make light cleaning jobs a breeze.
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